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Blume, María, Claire Foley, Jordan Whitlock, Suzanne Flynn, and Barbara Lust. 2014. A new data management cybertool supports cross-linguistic collaborative research and student training. In Will Orman and Matthew James Valleau (Eds.) BUCLD 38 Online Proceedings Supplement. April 2014.

Pareja-Lora, Antonio, María Blume, and Barbara Lust. 2013. Transforming the Data Transcription and Analysis Tool metadata and labels into a linguistic linked open data cloud resource. In Christian Chiarcos, Philipp Cimiano, Thierry Declerck, and John P. McCrae (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics. Representing and linking lexicons, terminologies, and other language data.

Blume, María, Suzanne Flynn, and Barbara Lust. 2012. Creating linked data for the interdisciplinary international collaborative study of language acquisition and use:  Achievements and challenges of a new Virtual Linguistics Lab. In Christian Chiarcos, Sebastian Nordhoff, and Sebastian Hellmann (Eds.) Linked data in linguisticsRepresenting and connecting language data and language metadata. Heidelberg/Dordrecht/London/New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 85-96.

Blume, María and Barbara Lust. 2012. First steps in transforming the primary research process through a Virtual Linguistic Lab for the study of language acquisition and use: Challenges and accomplishments. Journal of Computational Science Education, vol. 3, 1: 34-46.

Lust, Barbara, Suzanne Flynn, María Blume, Elaine Westbrooks, and Theresa Tobin. 2010. Constructing adequate language documentation for multifaceted cross-linguistic data: A case study from a Virtual Center for Study of Language Acquisition. In Lenore A. Grenoble and N. Louanna Furbee (Eds.)Language documentation: Practice and values, pp. 89-107. Ámsterdam y Filadelfia: John Benjamins.

Lust, Barbara, Suzanne Flynn, María Blume, Jon Corson-Rikert, and Brian Lowe. 2005. Searching interoperability between linguistic coding and ontologies for language description: Language acquisition data. Proceedings of 2005 E-MELD Workshop.